Mate - a drink that gives energy for the whole day! For many people, especially outside of South America, this may be the first time they hear the term "yerba mate." It's time to discover a unique natural infusion like no other!

What is yerba mate?
Yerba mate is a herbal infusion made from the leaves of Ilex paraguariensis, which grows only in South America. As the health benefits of yerba mate continue to be discovered and confirmed, this natural drink from South America is spreading rapidly around the world. Mate drink contains many healthy minerals and antioxidants such as vitamins A, B and C, calcium, magnesium and potassium as well as theobromine, caffeine, matein and much more. Mate is also a very energy rich drink, which is good for work, study and before or during sports.  Although the drink is not yet very well known in the Nordic countries and the Baltics, drinking yerba mate is gaining more and more recognition and more and more people are discovering the wonderful aspects of it.

Where does it come from?
The plant grows exclusively in certain subtropical regions of South America. Yerba mate has existed for centuries and is the number one drink for many millions of people in Argentina (the world's leading producer), as well as in Paraguay, Uruguay and Brazil. Ilex paraguariensis grows only in three countries: Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. This tree is part of a large family with more than 600 varieties. The leaves are dried, ground and packed in a similar way to the process of making tea, but since they are two different plants, the preparation process is also very different. Yerba mate leaves can be easily purchased in the countries of Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil and some regions of Chile, where the drink is very widely available. Mate is the most popular drink in Argentina, ahead of coffee and tea and second only to tap water consumption! On average, 100 liters of mate drink are consumed per person per year in Argentina.

What do you need to drink?
Ideally, a
- mate cup with the right shape (so that the crumb has room to draw and "live"), but you can also use existing glasses/cups at home
- straw or bombilla
- Yerba mate
- Hot/cold water
- If desired, a thermos to keep the water temperature

How to prepare mate?
There are many ways to do it, there is no one right way. The preparation methods of different schools, countries and cultures vary. Many cafes in Estonia offer yerba mate as a traditional tea known to us. Since yerba does not come from the tea plant, it is not tea. It is not necessarily wrong to consume yerba in the form of regular tea, but in known countries it is not worth "getting caught" in public. For those who initially find the taste too unfamiliar or intense, you can experiment with adding less crumbs.

One of the more traditional preparation methods:
Fill mate cups 2/3 full with yerba mate, then cover the opening of the cup with your hand and shake with the contents so that the finer, dustier part rises up. Tilt the cup to a 45-degree angle with the crumbs and insert the mate straw or bombilla. Boil the water to 80-85 degrees and pour the water into the cup so that the water flows down the straw - then all the crumbs will not get wet right away and the drink will last longer. Let it brew for a while, but not too long (the taste becomes more bitter) and enjoy the first puff. Pour new water in exactly the same way. Keep pouring until the taste separates or all the crumb has sunk to the bottom. If you want to make the taste more to your liking, you can shake a little sugar on the crumbs before making each new shot, or experiment with, for example, adding milk or squeezing lemon or orange juice on top.

Yerba can also be drunk with cold water, which is especially common in Paraguay, and in this case it is called "tereré". Preparation is the same, but you should let yerba mate to infuse a little longer before drinking it. Some varieties of yerba are better suited for making tereré.

Why to drink mate?
Mate drink has many good qualities. It is a very good drink for those who want to start their day with a pleasant and even long-lasting energy charge. For example, if drinking coffee only speeds up the work of the nervous system and that relatively short-term, the matein contained in mate drink improves the work of the entire metabolism and provides energy for a long time. In addition, drinking mate has a good effect on the blood vessels and thus strengthens the nervous and immune systems. Yerba mate has stress-relieving and mood-boosting properties due to yerba's high vitamin and mineral content. In addition, mate drink lowers cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Sounds like a wonder potion? That's exactly what it is!

Are there different types of mate?
Yes, there are many different types of mate. There are both more intense and milder flavors of yerbas, depending on the production process and preparation method, respectively. There are also many yerbas with different additives - for example, with different citrus fruits, guarana, medicinal herbs.

When and how much to drink mate?
Yerba can be drunk throughout the day. Every yerba drinker must find the most enjoyable time to take time off and sip one or more cups of mate alone or with a partner. In South America, yerba is a quintessentially social drink that brings groups together. If you are in a group, it is even a rule and normality to offer yerba to everyone. The first sip is always taken by the maker, and he offers it to the others while making new sips. Whoever does not want to, politely replies "thank you" and is excluded from the next round. Mate is also very good to drink while working during the day, while quietly sipping a few cups of yerba. Our personal preference is to drink yerba mate in the morning before a meal, so the day gets a nice energetic start! For beginners, we recommend not to drink mate at least 3 to 4 hours before going to bed, because you may have difficulty falling asleep.

What does the drink do with me?
Mate will give you a good energy charge for the whole day. If coffee and tea drinkers say that they need a new dose of energy after some time has passed, then if you drink yerba in the morning before a meal, the energy is distributed evenly throughout the day. This drink has "matein" in it, which is one of the secrets behind the long lasting energy.